Your password can be changed in your account profile once you've logged in, by selecting my account, then account profile and expanding the contact information tab, here you will see a link to change your password.
Alternatively link straight through to change your password here.
Passwords need to be at least 6 characters and must follow these rules:
• Your password is case sensitive
• You should include at least 1 letter and number
• Minimum of 3 consecutive letters or numbers
• Your password cannot be the same as your username
• Your password cannot have been used previously
• Your password will not expire, however, is managed by you through your account profile.
To search for words or phrases:
Enter a word or phrase in the search box and click on the search icon. For example propane cylinder will return all results with the words propane AND cylinder in either the title, short or long description.
To search for exact words or phrases:
Enclose your search phrase in quotation marks for example "propane cylinder" and Linde HKO eShop will search for the exact phrase rather than interpreting it as the separate words propane and cylinder.
Search with wildcards:
It's possible to use * to return unknown characters in the search term. For example, enter the term pro* in the search box and Linde HKO eShop will return product, propane, propadiene and other words beginning with pro.
You can repeat an existing order by locating the order from orders and deliveries page, and then selecting the repeat order button.
You can check the delivery status of your order online through the orders and deliveries page, this also provides the details of when an order was delivered.
Yes, your entire order and delivery history is available online regardless of how you placed the order. Also any repeat orders, where you have previously placed them over the phone can now be made easily online using the repeat order feature that enables you to add line items to your shopping cart from an existing order.
To view your order history select My Account, then orders and deliveries where you can search through your historical records using either your Linde HKO order reference number, delivery note reference or your PO or reference number.
Alternatively link straight to the orders and deliveries page here.
To place an empty-only order you can go to cylinder holdings, and enter your return quantities for your selected delivery address and proceed to checkout from there. Alternatively you can browse the catalogue and locate the product and create a return from there.