Invoice list has been launched on Linde HKO eShop

If your company handle lots of sub-account at the same time and receive lots of invoice hardcopy posted by Linde everyday. We are highly recommend you to select our invoice list service. Invoice list combine monthly invoices under your main account and you may now login online account to download it. Due to the new launch of online invoice list, we will still post out the hard copy of invoice list to you at the same time


Benefit of invoice list

1. Effective & Efficiency

Customer can check your invoice list anytime and anywhere

2. Reduce lose change

Invoice list storage in Linde database, customer do not worry on missing and damage now

3. Relatively Environmental friendly

Invoice list post out once per month. Compare with pervious method, Customers receive every invoice after placing order. Invoice list reduce paper usage indeed

4. Easy management

Invoice list combine all invoice record. Financial department can check all transaction in only one report

How to change to invoice list service?

If you would like to change to receive invoice list. You may email us with black and white and you may start receive invoice list on next month